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Back Orders

What are return goods?

Items listed as out of stock are currently out of stock and will require additional time for delivery. If your order contains multiple items, in-stock items will be shipped first, and backordered items will be shipped separately when they arrive.

Do I need to pay the full amount up front when an item I ordered is out of stock?

Yes. We require full payment at time of purchase to ensure the safety of your items.

Can I return a delayed item if it arrives 15 days after the original order date?

Yes, we do! If you return a delivery item it must be returned within 15 days of the date of shipment. You are only responsible for the return shipping cost. If you have issues with your return, please contact

How long will it take for me to receive my returned goods?

Wait times for return deliveries may vary by product. Typically the waiting time for return delivery is 6 to 10 weeks.